Works as a file server
Get rid of your file server but
keep the benefits
You may already have a file server or other means of a local server from where you share documents, it could even be the old PC in the corner of your office. It’s too outdated to be used for your daily business but good enough for sharing files and hold backups. However in terms of security, this is a risky solution. A server is built to be a server and therefore composed of high quality components built with redundancy, meaning it is running on multiple disks and will swap disks or other components automatically without the need to shut down. For Byfrost hosting security information, see Hosting.
The main purpose of a file server is to provide high security access for users to shared files and networks. All of this is already included in Byfrost.
How does it work?
Update, synchronise or just move the top level folder on your file server into Byfrost’s Hot Folder, and the full folder structure including documents and files will automatically be recreated or updated in Byfrost. You can even do batch archiving by using Hot Folders and Hot Emails. By using one or the other method you can archive large quantity of files. With Byfrost’s intelligent prioritisation you can even upload all your old documents and have them waiting in line to be processed until there is free capacity.
Do I need a fileserver?
Whether you are a small or big company, if you want to work efficiently and protect your data, you need to consolidate your storage of data and increase your security and reliability. In case of your company being hit by a fatal failure on one of your services : a virus attack, ransomware or otherwise a loss of control over your data, the Byfrost solution will ensure that you keep instant access to all your documents and files so you can continue your day-to-day business until the problem has been solved.
You will experience a large difference in time saved and efficiency measures, since all your data is accessible in a faster and easier way with a central point to share information with multiple users. Your customer relationships will be improved, because you’ll be able to respond to the requests of your clients more quickly and effectively and thereby deliver a better service.